Rescue Tube Project
- On June 6 at KAM#1 beach--Lauren Arnold, myself, Mark Barry & Kelly Trang supported the filming at the beach & in the water of Waena Middle Sch Tech Club for Instructional video & RCKW sponsored their pizza lunch at Pizza Madness.
- PSAs are in the works with AKAKU & Waena Middle Sch Technology Club (WMS- TC)
- Instructional Video for RT use is in the the works-- hoping for Premier showing at meeting -Aug 2 mtg--when they will have representatives as our speakers that day.
- I have sent in PressRelease to MAUI Times for article-- no response. Anyone have special connections there?
- Press release sent to Wailea publication vis Karin Carlson
- need to pursue radio PSA --it's on the list
- HEY Brah-- column note was sent by Jason about stolen/missing RTs-Maui Times
- Jason Denhart, Mark Harbison & MaryMargaret Baker will attend Hawaii Tourism Authority presentation on Mon July 17 presentation-- possible funding source for remaining RTs & supplies-- at Many irons in the fire to promote this project at MACC.
- 2013: Rotarian Magazine article about rescue tube project by Rotary Club of on Kauai.
- September 2014: Club member Cecelia Camp arranged a meeting with Mayor Alan Arakawa and representatives of Parks and Recreation Department and Fire Department Ocean Safety.
- Many, many meetings
- April 6, 2017: Maui County Council agreement signed
- May 27, 2017; Installation #1—22 tubes on Kalama, Charlie Young, Cove, and Kamaole 1, 2 & 3 beaches
- June 24, 2017: Installation #2—18 tubes on Keawakapu Beach
Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
In 10 percent of drownings, adults are nearby but have no idea the victim is dying. Here’s what to look for.
In 10 percent of drownings, adults are nearby but have no idea the victim is dying. Here’s what to look for.
Drowning signs aren't like the movies
April 7, 2017